Thursday, November 15, 2018

IFMR B School is now IFMR Graduate School of Business at KREA University

The Institute for Financial Management and Research (IFMR) has an impressive and long record of contributing to the expansion and enrichment of the knowledge base in the financial services industry. While applied research and executive education activities flourished since its inception in 1970, IFMR launched its flagship 2-year full-time Post-Graduate Diploma in Management in the year 2000. It is embarking on a new phase now. From the batch of 2017-19, IFMR Business School offers a two-year post-graduate Masters in Business Administration (MBA) degree under the auspices of the KREA University.

KREA University, promoted by IFMR Society, aims to provide liberal arts education to high potential individuals so that they would learn to create positive and catalytic impact in a dynamic and diverse world. World over, universities offering business and management education are asking hard questions of the purpose of their MBA programmes. KREA University’s liberal arts education provides the answer. MBA graduates must be competent in functional areas, must be decisive and effective managers and leaders, with a strong moral compass and a firm sense of purpose. That was the original vision of the founding fathers of business and management education in the late 19th century in the United States of America.
IFMR Business School will continue to retain its strong core competence and competitive edge in Finance and in particular, catering to Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI) sectors. At the same time, KREA University’s liberal arts education will provide a strong liberal art and ethical foundation to build a host of functional and behavioral competencies. In other words, there is a big change with a strong sense of continuity.
Signaling this important shift to the world, IFMR Business School has decided to rebrand itself. Henceforth, it will be IFMR Graduate School of Business at KREA University.
IFMR Graduate School of Business at KREA University aims to provide top-quality management education that prepares students to be ethically grounded, be highly skilled in integrated reasoning and be effective leaders of enterprises.

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