Thursday, January 17, 2019

Guest Lecture_Journey from tiny to large by R G Chandramogan CMD Hatsun Agro Product Limited

R G Chandramogan – CMD – Hatsun Agro Product Limited

Topic – “Journey from tiny to large”

It was a great pleasure for IFMR-GSB to host Mr.Chandramogan, the Chairman and Managing Director of Hatsun Agro Product Limited for a guest lecture. 

The topic of the session was "The Journey from Tiny to Large", which showcased his glorious entrepreneurial journey of how he turned his investment of mere Rs.13000, into a Rs 5000 crore pan-Indian organization. He enlightened the students with stories about the successes and failures of his company and how his strategy of "fencing the market, without attacking" helped him dodge large competitors and gain greater dominance in the industry. When others worked within the comforts of Chennai, he decided to move beyond its realms into the rural hinterlands and promote his product which boasted of unparalleled and uniform quality. When he faced a dilemma to liquidate his business like some of his competitors or carry on with it in 1993, he realized the demand and potential of the Indian masses and went ahead with making his brand even bigger and much more diversified. With great knowledge of his business and entrepreneurship, he also guided the students about the ''key drivers to growing a business'' which are technology, finance, methods and scale of operations. He pointed out that openness to new technologies such as Thermal cooling system for Milk and scale of operations were critical ingredients of the organization's growth. Now, Hatsun is one of the top 3 ice-cream manufacturing companies of the country under the charismatic leadership of Mr. Chandramogan and this, according to him, couldn't have been achieved without endurance and patience.

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